Consortium People |
The Consortium is represented by the persons who are members of the Project Coordination Committee:
Roskilde University Centre (Leading University) Prof.
Poul Wolffsen (Chief Coordinator) Roskilde
University P.O.Box
260, Hus 24.2, DK
4000 Roskilde, Denmark Tel:
+45 46 74 23 52 Fax:
+45 46 74 30 81 E-mail: wolffsen@ruc.dk Homepage: http://www.ssc.ruc.dk/homepages/wolffsen/
Georg-August University of Gttingen Prof.
Jrgen Bloech Georg-August-Universitt
Gttingen Platz
der Gttingen Sieben 3 37073
Gttingen Tel:
+49 05 51 39 72 57 Fax:
+49 05 51 39 93 43 E-mail: jbloech@uni-goettingen.de Homepage: http://www.gwdg.de/~uwpi/bloech/
Trondheim Business School Prof.
Roar Kvam Trondheim
Business School Jonsvannsveier
82 N
7004 Trondheim Tel:
+47 73 55 99 77 Fax:
+47 73 55 99 51 E-mail: roar.kvam@aoa.hist.no Homepage: http://www.aoa.hist.no/admin/ansatte/roar_k.htm
Kaunas University of Technology Prof.
Robertas Jucevicius Kaunas
University of Technology Department
of Public Administration 20
Donelaicio 3000
Kaunas, Lithuania Tel:
+370 7 300 121 Fax:
370 7 22 86 83 E-mail:
rjucev@af.ktu.lt Homepage:
Lund University Prof. Kjell-ke Holmberg Lund
University Department of Informatics P.O.Box
117 SE
- 221 00 Lund Sweden Tel:
+46 46 222 73 38 Fax:
+46 46 222 45 28 E-mail:
Homepage: http://www.ics.lu.se/personal/kjellake/index.html
Kaliningrad State University Prof. Anatoliy Michaylovich Chujkin Department
of Economics, Kaliningrad
State University ul.
Chernyshevskogo, 56a Russia-236000
Kaliningrad Tel.:
+7 0112 21 62 73 E-mail:
Homepage: http://www.albertina.ru/tindex.phtml?item=47&last=0
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