General Information



Project EuroFaculty Kaliningrad Initiative was established in 2000 for 3 years by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), international organisation of countries around the Baltic Sea: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Russia. Its mission is the involvement of higher education of Kaliningrad into the All-European educational area by establishing direct contacts between higher educational institutions and improving curricula.

EuroFaculty project is being fulfilled on the basis of Kaliningrad State University (KSU). It consists of two sub-projects: on Law and on Economics. Accordingly Department of Law and Department of Economics are partners in these sub-project. The Leading Country supervising the project is Denmark represented by the Danish Ministry of Education.

The sub-project on Economics (further Project) is being fulfilled by a consortium of higher educational institutions. Consortium includes donor universities and KSU as a recipient. Donor universities are: Georg-August University of Gttingen (Germany), Kaunas Technological University (Lithuania), Lund University (Sweden) and Trondheim Business School (Norway). The Consortium is headed by the Leading Donor University Roskilde University Centre (Denmark).

The title of the project is Supporting Kaliningrad State University in bringing its curriculum in Economics in line with recognised international standards. Key objectives are stated in the Contract between CBSS and the Leading University. They are the following:

To carry out a thorough update of the core curriculum of Economics at KSU with the aim of bringing the degree courses in these 2 areas in line with international standards.

To provide a targeted and systematic teacher training in support of curriculum updating and to encourage more interactive and demanding teaching methods to ensure that the prerequisites for changes at the staff level are at hand and to secure a lasting impact of the modernisation.

To provide additional language training for KSU staff to ensure the necessary preconditions for smooth communication with donor country colleagues and to ensure the attainment of the project objectives.

To provide enhanced access to books, journals, other forms of communicating research results and other academic material, including the necessary training of librarians at KSU Faculty of Economics



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